Houghton Clinic

Houghton Clinic
Houghton Clinic

While we have opened our clinic in Sunderland our Houghton clinic remains closed for the time being. We do not wish to rush opening the clinic until we are 100% the time is right.
We will let everyone know in due course when we will reopen the Houghton clinic

As many of you know our Houghton Clinic is within a Pilates/Yoga Studio in Houghton.
The owner of the Studio has taken the very difficult decision to closed the studio for a few weeks during this difficult time due to the COVID -19 virus.

We are therefore unable to continue seeing clients at the Houghton Clinic. We will keep everyone informed as to when the clinic will open again.

We are still open as normal at our Sunderland clinic.

As a health care provider we have to maintain very high personal and professional hygiene standards. These are in place all year round. With the COVID-19 virus affecting everyone we are now putting more preventive measures in place.
These are:
Introducing a time gap between clients to reduce contact with other members of the public.
Asking clients to attend by themselves whenever possible to reduce the number of people in the clinic.
Attend at your appointment time to reduce waiting time and potential contact with the client before you.
Hand Wash facilities and hand Sanitiser available before/after contact with a member of staff or surface.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us on 07383096032 or info@physioltd.co.uk